Automatic Control Knowledge Repository

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Entity List

Name: default_conda_environment (Key: CDAMA)
Path: ackrep_data/environment_specifications/default_conda_environment
Type: environment_specification
Name: default_environment (Key: YJBOX)
Path: ackrep_data/environment_specifications/default_environment
Type: environment_specification

Name: method_trajectory_planning (Key: 79A0X)
Path: ackrep_data/method_packages/coprime_decomposition
Type: method_package
Name: full_state_feedback_controller (Key: F7OSK)
Path: ackrep_data/method_packages/full_state_feedback_controller
Type: method_package
Name: full_state_feedback_controller (Key: TXQGX)
Path: ackrep_data/method_packages/method_equilibrium_points
Type: method_package
Name: geometry inspired control of the brockett-integrator (Key: 2YXKP)
Path: ackrep_data/method_packages/method_geometry_inspired_control
Type: method_package
Name: full_state_feedback_controller (Key: IEINI)
Path: ackrep_data/method_packages/method_LQR
Type: method_package
Name: method_trajectory_planning (Key: KUXCW)
Path: ackrep_data/method_packages/method_observer_full_reduced
Type: method_package
Name: method_trajectory_planning (Key: OYNK3)
Path: ackrep_data/method_packages/method_trajectory_planning
Type: method_package
Name: PyInduct backstepping example, shared functions (Key: GHUBE)
Path: ackrep_data/method_packages/pyinduct_backstepping_example
Type: method_package
Name: PyTrajectory (Key: UENQQ)
Path: ackrep_data/method_packages/PyTrajectory
Type: method_package
Name: system proporty (Key: DEI1Q)
Path: ackrep_data/method_packages/system_property
Type: method_package

Name: Limit Cycle van der Pol (Key: 7WIQH)
Path: ackrep_data/notebooks/limit_cycle_vanderPol
Type: notebook

Name: trajectory planning for a dynamical system (Key: QGWSY)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_classes/trajectory_planning
Type: problem_class

Name: acrobot swingup with pytrajecotry (Key: HPICZ)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/acrobot_swingup_with_pytrajectory
Type: problem_solution
Name: Motion planning for closed kinematic chains using a quasistatic approach (Key: Z7HZY)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/closed_kinematic_chains_quasistatic
Type: problem_solution
Name: controller design for the brockett-integrator (Key: W8WD1)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/control_brockett_integrator
Type: problem_solution
Name: controller design via coprime decomposition (Key: M4PDA)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/coprime_decomposition_controller
Type: problem_solution
Name: double integrator transition using PyTrajectory (Key: UKJZI)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/double_integrator_transition_with_pytrajectory
Type: problem_solution
Name: controller design via full state feedback (Key: ZPPRG)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/full_state_feedback
Type: problem_solution
Name: full state observer (Key: IWTAE)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/full_state_observer
Type: problem_solution
Name: linear trajectory planning for a cartpole system (Key: JC2OP)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/linear_trajectory_cartpole_system
Type: problem_solution
Name: linear trajectory planning for electrical resistance (Key: NRRYR)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/linear_trajectory_electrical_resistance
Type: problem_solution
Name: linear trajectory planning for a two mass floating-body system (Key: QO8E1)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/linear_trajectory_two_mass_floating_bodies
Type: problem_solution
Name: controller design via LQR for cartpole system (Key: XRV9G)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/LQR_cartpole_system
Type: problem_solution
Name: controller design via LQR for electrical resistance (Key: WV1L5)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/LQR_electrical_resistance
Type: problem_solution
Name: controller design via LQR for a two mass floating-body system (Key: 7TWE9)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/LQR_two_mass_floating_bodies
Type: problem_solution
Name: tracking controller design and nonlinear trajectory planning for electrical resistance (Key: CZKWU)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/nonlinear_trajectory_electrical_resistance
Type: problem_solution
Name: tracking controller design and nonlinear trajectory planning for a two mass floating-body system (Key: 04NUJ)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/nonlinear_trajectory_two_mass_floating_bodies
Type: problem_solution
Name: reinforcement learning for cartpole system (Key: P5MZW)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/PPO_cartpole_system
Type: problem_solution
Name: PVTOL model (Key: 8RWMB)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/PVTOL_2_Forces
Type: problem_solution
Name: PyInduct backstepping example (Key: HOZEE)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/pyinduct_backstepping_example
Type: problem_solution
Name: SINDy for Lotka Volterra Model (Key: QWRHA)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/PySINDy_identify_volterra
Type: problem_solution
Name: reduced observer design (Key: AZFKT)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/reduced_observer_two_mass_floating_bodies
Type: problem_solution
Name: Region of Attractivity approximation using local adaptive grid refinement (Key: HRA9W)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_solutions/roa_approximation
Type: problem_solution

Name: acrobot swing up (Key: VAPUO)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/acrobot_swingup
Type: problem_specification
Name: Motion planning for closed kinematic chains (Key: GYLTC)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/closed_kinematic_chains
Type: problem_specification
Name: design of the controller of the brockett-integrator (Key: EO7BA)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/control_brockett_integrator
Type: problem_specification
Name: control the temperature of the resistor to 310K (Key: Z87OS)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/coprime_controller_electrical_resistance
Type: problem_specification
Name: double integrator transition (Key: 4ZZ9J)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/double_integrator_transition
Type: problem_specification
Name: design of a full observer to estimate all states of the system (Key: H9FRP)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/full_observer_cartpole_system
Type: problem_specification
Name: design of a full observer to estimate all states of the system (Key: HEGTW)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/full_observer_two_mass_floating_bodies
Type: problem_specification
Name: design of a full state feedback controller to control the x-position of the load to 1.5m (Key: LAQJB)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/full_state_feedback_cartpole_system
Type: problem_specification
Name: equilibrium change of a nonlinear resistor (Key: J73Y9)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/full_state_feedback_electrical_resistance
Type: problem_specification
Name: design of a full state feedback controller to control position of the both balls (Key: SN5NK)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/full_state_feedback_two_mass_floating_bodies
Type: problem_specification
Name: controller design by using linear trajectory planning (Key: O9QN7)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/linear_trajectory_cartpole_system
Type: problem_specification
Name: controller design by using linear trajectory planning (Key: MHCPN)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/linear_trajectory_electrial_resistance
Type: problem_specification
Name: controller design by using linear trajectory planning (Key: UAQVK)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/linear_trajectory_two_mass_floating_bodies
Type: problem_specification
Name: design of the LQR controller to to control and stabilize the x-position of the load (Key: 4MYUV)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/LQR_cartpole_system
Type: problem_specification
Name: design of the LQR controller to control the temperature of the resistance to 380K (Key: RYCT6)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/LQR_electrical_resistance
Type: problem_specification
Name: design of the LQ controller to control and stabilize position of the both balls (Key: BIJMB)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/LQR_two_mass_floating_bodies
Type: problem_specification
Name: controller design by using nonlinear trajectory planning (Key: 08STO)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/nonlinear_trajectory_electrical_resistance
Type: problem_specification
Name: trajectory tracking of a two mass hovering system (Key: AQZOF)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/nonlinear_trajectory_two_mass_floating_bodies
Type: problem_specification
Name: reinforcement learning for cartpole system (Key: CAWK2)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/PPO_cartpole_system
Type: problem_specification
Name: PVTOL problem (Key: BCPXM)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/PVTOL_2_Forces
Type: problem_specification
Name: PyInduct backstepping example (Key: KCZUI)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/pyinduct_backstepping_example
Type: problem_specification
Name: SINDy for Lotka Volterra Model (Key: QN99J)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/PySINDy_identify_volterra
Type: problem_specification
Name: design of the reduced state observer to estimate of the unknown internal state of a given real system (Key: XTWZS)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/reduced_observer_two_mass_floating_bodies
Type: problem_specification
Name: Region of Attractivity approximation for a Van Der Pol oscillator system (Key: IJ15T)
Path: ackrep_data/problem_specifications/roa_van_der_pol
Type: problem_specification

Name: acrobot (Key: 5CVFG)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/acrobot_system
Type: system_model
Name: ball beam (Key: XHINE)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/ball_beam_system
Type: system_model
Name: ball in tube (Key: SRSTF)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/ball_in_tube_system
Type: system_model
Name: boost converter (Key: KAHFE)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/boost_converter
Type: system_model
Name: brockett integrator (Key: GKKTM)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/brockett_integrator_system
Type: system_model
Name: buck-boost converter (Key: OK5BV)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/buck_boost_converter
Type: system_model
Name: buck converter (Key: DFRJY)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/buck_converter
Type: system_model
Name: cartpole system (Key: BID9I)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/cartpole_system
Type: system_model
Name: AC1 (Key: COM01)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AC1
Type: system_model
Name: B767 aircraft at a flutter condition (Key: COM10)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AC10
Type: system_model
Name: CCV-type aircraft (Key: COM11)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AC11
Type: system_model
Name: ASTOVL Aircraft (Key: COM12)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AC12
Type: system_model
Name: ASTOVL Aircraft (Key: COM13)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AC13
Type: system_model
Name: ASTOVL Aircraft (Key: COM14)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AC14
Type: system_model
Name: Mach 2.7 flight condition of a supersonic transport aircraft (Key: COM15)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AC15
Type: system_model
Name: Mach 2.7 flight condition of a supersonic transport aircraft (Key: COM16)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AC16
Type: system_model
Name: Leteral axis dynamic for a L-1011 aircraft (Key: COM17)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AC17
Type: system_model
Name: B767 aircraft at a flutter condition (Key: COM18)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AC18
Type: system_model
Name: AC1 (Key: COM02)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AC2
Type: system_model
Name: L-1011 aircraft in cruise flight conditions (Key: COM03)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AC3
Type: system_model
Name: Missile autopilot (Key: COM04)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AC4
Type: system_model
Name: Boeing B-747 aircraft (Key: COM05)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AC5
Type: system_model
Name: THE AIRCRAFT L- 1011 MODEL ??? (Key: COM06)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AC6
Type: system_model
Name: Transport Aircraft model Boing flight condition VMIN (Key: COM07)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AC7
Type: system_model
Name: Transport Aircraft model Boing flight condition VMIN (Key: COM08)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AC8
Type: system_model
Name: Transport Aircraft model Boing flight condition VMIN (Key: COM09)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AC9
Type: system_model
Name: Automobile Gas Turbine (Key: COM39)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/AGS
Type: system_model
Name: Binary distillation tower with pressure variation (Key: COM44)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/BDT1
Type: system_model
Name: Binary distillation tower Test and generate the linearized 82-state distillation column (Key: COM45)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/BDT2
Type: system_model
Name: Clamped beam model Los Angeles University Hospital SLICOT Working note 2002-2 (Key: CO157)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/CBM
Type: system_model
Name: CD player SLICOT Working note 2002-2 (Key: COM63)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/CDP
Type: system_model
Name: Linear cable mass problem of order 20 (Key: CO138)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/CM1
Type: system_model
Name: Perturbetd linear cable mass problem of order 20 (Key: CO144)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/CM1_IS
Type: system_model
Name: Linear cable mass problem of order 20 (Key: CO139)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/CM2
Type: system_model
Name: Perturbetd linear cable mass problem of order 20 (Key: CO145)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/CM2_IS
Type: system_model
Name: Linear cable mass problem of order 20 (Key: CO140)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/CM3
Type: system_model
Name: Perturbetd linear cable mass problem of order 20 (Key: CO146)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/CM3_IS
Type: system_model
Name: Linear cable mass problem of order 20 (Key: CO141)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/CM4
Type: system_model
Name: Perturbetd linear cable mass problem of order 20 (Key: CO147)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/CM4_IS
Type: system_model
Name: Linear cable mass problem of order 20 (Key: CO142)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/CM5
Type: system_model
Name: Perturbetd linear cable mass problem of order 20 (Key: CO148)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/CM5_IS
Type: system_model
Name: Linear cable mass problem of order 20 (Key: CO143)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/CM6
Type: system_model
Name: Perturbetd linear cable mass problem of order 20 (Key: CO149)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/CM6_IS
Type: system_model
Name: Coupled spring experiment, l=10 2nd order system (Key: COM49)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/CSE1
Type: system_model
Name: Coupled spring experiment, l=30 2nd order system (Key: COM50)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/CSE2
Type: system_model
Name: Decentralized Interconnected System (Key: COM33)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/DIS1
Type: system_model
Name: Decentralized system with 2 control stations (Key: COM34)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/DIS2
Type: system_model
Name: DIS3 (Key: COM35)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/DIS3
Type: system_model
Name: DIS4 (Key: COM36)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/DIS4
Type: system_model
Name: DIS5 (Key: COM37)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/DIS5
Type: system_model
Name: Plate Experiment for the active vibration damping of large flexible space structures, example of order 10 (Key: CO152)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/DLR1
Type: system_model
Name: Plate Experiment for the active vibration damping of large flexible space structures, example of order 10 (Key: CO153)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/DLR2
Type: system_model
Name: Plate Experiment for the active vibration damping of large flexible space structures, example of order 10 (Key: CO154)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/DLR3
Type: system_model
Name: Euler-Bernoulli Beam (Key: COM51)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/EB1
Type: system_model
Name: Euler-Bernoulli Beam (Key: COM52)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/EB2
Type: system_model
Name: Euler-Bernoulli Beam (Key: COM53)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/EB3
Type: system_model
Name: Euler-Bernoulli Beam (Key: COM54)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/EB4
Type: system_model
Name: Euler-Bernoulli Beam (Key: COM55)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/EB5
Type: system_model
Name: Euler-Bernoulli Beam (Key: COM56)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/EB6
Type: system_model
Name: Flexible satellite Buschek, Calise (Key: CO151)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/FS
Type: system_model
Name: Longitudinal motion of a VTOL helicopter (Key: COM19)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/HE1
Type: system_model
Name: AH-64 HELICOPTER at 130 knots Ph. (Key: COM20)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/HE2
Type: system_model
Name: Bell 201A-1 helicopter D.- (Key: COM21)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/HE3
Type: system_model
Name: Helicopter control (Key: COM22)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/HE4
Type: system_model
Name: Helicopter control (Key: COM23)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/HE5
Type: system_model
Name: Helicopter control (Key: COM24)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/HE6
Type: system_model
Name: Helicopter control (Key: COM25)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/HE7
Type: system_model
Name: Heat flow in a thin rod 1D model (Key: COM43)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/HF1
Type: system_model
Name: 2D heat flow example, HF2D_JetControlExamples thermal properties of copper, sd=0.3825 (Key: CO101)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/HF2D10
Type: system_model
Name: 2D heat flow example, HF2D_JetControlExamples thermal properties of platinum, sd=0.5325 (Key: CO102)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/HF2D11
Type: system_model
Name: 2D heat flow example, rectangular domain thermal properties of copper (Key: CO103)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/HF2D12
Type: system_model
Name: 2D heat flow example, rectangular domain thermal properties of platinum (Key: CO104)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/HF2D13
Type: system_model
Name: 2D heat flow example, rectangular domain with perturbation operator added thermal properties of copper, sd=0.3825 (Key: CO105)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/HF2D14
Type: system_model
Name: 2D heat flow example, rectangular domain with perturbation operator added thermal properties of of platinum, sd=1.725 (Key: CO106)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/HF2D15
Type: system_model
Name: 2D heat flow example, rectangular domain with perturbation operator added and extended to a nonlinear model thermal properties of copper (Key: CO107)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/HF2D16
Type: system_model
Name: 2D heat flow example, rectangular domain with perturbation operator added and extended to a nonlinear model thermal properties of of platinum (Key: CO108)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/HF2D17
Type: system_model
Name: 2D heat flow example, Distributed control of a perturbed linear heat flow model (Key: CO109)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/HF2D18
Type: system_model
Name: Intelligent highway model of position and velocity control for a string of high-speed vehicles (Key: COM48)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/IH
Type: system_model
Name: International Space Station SLICOT Working note 2002-2 (Key: CO155)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/ISS1
Type: system_model
Name: International Space Station SLICOT Working note 2002-2 (Key: CO156)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/ISS2
Type: system_model
Name: Multivariable servomechanism problem J-100 jet engine (Key: COM26)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/JE1
Type: system_model
Name: Aero engine control (Key: COM27)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/JE2
Type: system_model
Name: Aero engine control (Key: COM28)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/JE3
Type: system_model
Name: Los Angeles University Hospital SLICOT Working note 2002-2 (Key: CO158)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/LAH
Type: system_model
Name: Moored Floating Platform (Key: COM46)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/MFP
Type: system_model
Name: NN1 (Key: COM64)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/NN1
Type: system_model
Name: NN10 (Key: COM73)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/NN10
Type: system_model
Name: NN11 (Key: COM74)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/NN11
Type: system_model
Name: NN12 (Key: COM75)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/NN12
Type: system_model
Name: D.- (Key: COM76)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/NN13
Type: system_model
Name: D.- (Key: COM77)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/NN14
Type: system_model
Name: Space backpack model (Key: COM78)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/NN15
Type: system_model
Name: Application for an large space structure (Key: COM79)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/NN16
Type: system_model
Name: Rank-deficient matrix D12, (Key: COM80)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/NN17
Type: system_model
Name: Classical example (Key: COM65)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/NN2
Type: system_model
Name: NN3 (Key: COM66)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/NN3
Type: system_model
Name: NN4 (Key: COM67)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/NN4
Type: system_model
Name: Saturn V booster (Key: COM68)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/NN5
Type: system_model
Name: NN6 (Key: COM69)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/NN6
Type: system_model
Name: NN6 (Key: COM70)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/NN7
Type: system_model
Name: (Key: COM71)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/NN8
Type: system_model
Name: NN9 (Key: COM72)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/NN9
Type: system_model
Name: Piezoelectric actuator system (Key: COM57)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/PAS
Type: system_model
Name: Power system model (Key: COM61)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/PSM
Type: system_model
Name: The Chemical Reactor Example (Key: COM29)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/REA1
Type: system_model
Name: The Chemical Reactor Example (Key: COM30)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/REA2
Type: system_model
Name: Nuclear reactor model, (Key: COM31)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/REA3
Type: system_model
Name: Chemical reactor model by (Key: COM32)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/REA4
Type: system_model
Name: Four-disk control system (Key: CO159)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/ROC1
Type: system_model
Name: Inverted pendulum (Key: CO168)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/ROC10
Type: system_model
Name: Transport Aircraft model Boing flight condition VFC/MFC (Key: CO160)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/ROC2
Type: system_model
Name: Output feedback problem Wang and Rosenthal (Key: CO161)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/ROC3
Type: system_model
Name: Four disk control system (Key: CO162)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/ROC4
Type: system_model
Name: Free Gyro-stabilized mirror system (Key: CO163)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/ROC5
Type: system_model
Name: ROC6 (Key: CO164)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/ROC6
Type: system_model
Name: Flexible actuator (Key: CO165)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/ROC7
Type: system_model
Name: Augmented three mass spring system (Key: CO166)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/ROC8
Type: system_model
Name: Augmented two mass spring system (Key: CO167)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/ROC9
Type: system_model
Name: Terrain following model (Key: COM58)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/TF1
Type: system_model
Name: Terrain following model (Key: COM59)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/TF2
Type: system_model
Name: Terrain following model (Key: COM60)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/TF3
Type: system_model
Name: Turbo-Generator (Key: COM38)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/TG1
Type: system_model
Name: Transmission Line SLICOT Working note 2002-2 (Key: COM62)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/TL
Type: system_model
Name: 2-degree-of-freedom 2DOF tuned-mass damper TMD (Key: CO150)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/TMD
Type: system_model
Name: Control surface servo for an underwater vehicle, (Key: COM47)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/UWV
Type: system_model
Name: Wind energy conversion system (Key: COM40)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/WEC1
Type: system_model
Name: Wind energy conversion system (Key: COM41)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/WEC2
Type: system_model
Name: Wind energy conversion system (Key: COM42)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/compleib_models/WEC3
Type: system_model
Name: distillation column (Key: JBTRZ)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/distillation_column_system
Type: system_model
Name: double crane (Key: IMLSG)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/double_crane_system
Type: system_model
Name: flyback converter (Key: 9TM8C)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/flyback_converter
Type: system_model
Name: four-bar linkage (Key: CK7EX)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/four_bar_linkage_system
Type: system_model
Name: furuta pendulum (Key: AEYHV)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/furuta_pendulum_system
Type: system_model
Name: Heat Equation (Key: 1VY9F)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/heat_equation
Type: system_model
Name: hysteresis system (Key: R9XXK)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/hysteresis_system
Type: system_model
Name: inertia wheel pendulum (Key: AVCTR)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/inertia_wheel_pendulum_system
Type: system_model
Name: kapitza's pendulum (Key: U6B7N)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/kapitzas_pendulum_system
Type: system_model
Name: linear transport system (Key: IG3GA)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/linear_transport_system
Type: system_model
Name: lorenz system (Key: UXMFA)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/lorenz_system
Type: system_model
Name: lotka volterra (Key: DRZGT)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/lotka_volterra
Type: system_model
Name: modular multilevel converter (MMC) (Key: YHS5B)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/mmc_system
Type: system_model
Name: n integrator chain (Key: CAS0M)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/n_integrator_chain_system
Type: system_model
Name: pendubot (Key: VVAHU)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/pendubot_system
Type: system_model
Name: permanent magnet DC motor (Key: IXSV2)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/permanent_dc_motor_system
Type: system_model
Name: PVTOL with 2 forces (Key: OHW5Z)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/pvtol_system
Type: system_model
Name: roessler attractor (Key: FD5RW)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/roessler_attractor_system
Type: system_model
Name: stable PTn system (Key: OV6ND)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/stable_pt_n_system
Type: system_model
Name: tora (Key: BZJ3K)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/tora_system
Type: system_model
Name: triple pendulum (Key: HBWN5)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/triple_pendulum_system
Type: system_model
Name: two mass floating bodies (Key: AJ0PV)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/two_mass_floating_bodies_system
Type: system_model
Name: wave equation 1D (Key: IKNYP)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/wave_equation
Type: system_model
Name: winkler system (Key: JPCL5)
Path: ackrep_data/system_models/winkler_system
Type: system_model

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